Tone of Typography


Each individual hears and interprets words differently. Depending on our tone of voices, words can have different meanings. This series of animations shows in an interpretive way, how the same word can trigger different emotions, according to the strength, speed and tone.



When you type the word safe in Google, you will
get 3 different meanings:
1. protected from or not exposed to danger or risk
2. cautious and unenterprising
and 3. a condom.

however one is using or saying the word, it will most likely have a different meaning than intended. The words I used for this project have all been chosen because of the emotions they carry with them. They are personal and mean different things to each individual.




Shame can be defined as a feeling of embarrassment or humiliation that arises in relation to the perception of having done something dishonorable, immoral, or improper. While shame is a negative emotion, its origins play a part in our survival as a species.



First Time